The report reflects the Port's diverse social-environmental activity and the Port's achievements, including the following:
The grain unloader project was completed, allowing the Port to unload 1,800 tons per hourDevices were added for clean unloading of bulk cargoGreenhouse gas emissions were reduced by about 26%2 community initiatives were added in collaboration with the Mahut non-profit organization.A Women for Women forum was established to support women who are serving in the warPier 21 was inaugurated. It will be used for container ships and grain shipsNew innovation offices were added around the worldA second round of the innovation incubator was opened
The port's corporate responsibility report was written according to the international GRI standard, and it is part of the company's efforts to adopt advanced management standards.
Shaul Schneider, Chairman of the Board of Ashdod Port: “We are honored to present Ashdod Port Company's corporate responsibility report for 2023. Like the previous year, 2023 was full of global challenges, as well as local challenges, especially during the war. We are proud to share that we overcame these challenges, thanks to the ingenuity, flexibility, creativity and devotion of all of the Port Company's employees and management. The port is vital for Israel's economy and society, and we kept it functioning continuously while looking out for the security and wellbeing of our employees, many of whom continue to defend our country as we speak. Despite this challenging year for us and for the people of Israel, we continued to offer our customers flexible tailored solutions, while advancing in the areas of sustainability and innovation, which are vital for the port's continued success. This will allow us to maintain the port as one of the country's main arteries, which is essential at all times, regardless of the security situation."
Nissan Levi, CEO of Ashdod Port: “We would like to thank each and every one of the Port Company's employees for your hard work, dedication, goodwill and devotion during this challenging period, as we continue our development towards becoming the most advanced port in the Mediterranean basin. The results of your hard work can be seen in the corporate responsibility report that was released".