Eli Bar Yosseph V.P Customers
Daniel SmidovirskiCFO
Inesa Goldenberg-LeviLegal Counselor
Yigal Ben-ZikriV.P of Corporate Commnunication
Igal Mikdashy V.P of Operations
Galit Even HaimActing V.P Resources
Yehuda NanikashvilliHead of Containers Department
Amos BrachaV.P, Logistics and Engineering
Ilan AbukaratInternal Auditor
Head of Bulk and Liquid Installations Department
Ami MarrelliHead of Operations Department
Head of IT Department
Galit Even HaimHead of Human Resources Department
Efrat CohenMarketing Manager
Eti Alashvili Sales Manager
Head of Equipment
Ram ShovalHead Customers Service Department
Head of Procurement Department
Safety Manager
Bernard Ben YishaiHead of security and passenger ships