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  • עברית

Tender for the supply of - 30 ton / 1,200 mm load center Fork Lift Trucks (FLT)

General Information

Tender Number


Tender Name

Tender for the supply of - 30 ton / 1,200 mm load center Fork Lift Trucks (FLT)
Tender Type International

Publication Date


Proposals should be submitted not later than

16.09.15 at 14:00


Announcment 4
Updated Financial Proposal - FLT 30 ton Attachment B
Update: Attachment G, Form of Manufacturers Undertaking regarding the Warranty
Announcment 3
APPENDIX F Insurance Certificate 30 ton FLT
Announcment 2
Announcment - 1
Publication Document
Financial Proposal Form
Tender Documents

For further information regarding the tender documents please call Mrs. Ayelet Mandler, Tel: +972-8-8517523 | [email protected].