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  • עברית

Tender for the sale of two cranes (the "Tender") Tender No. ASH-338/10

  1. Pursuant to the Mandatory Tenders Law, 1992 and the Mandatory Tenders Regulations, 1993 Ashdod Port Company Ltd. ("APC“) is hereby offering for sale two (2) Slewing Gantry Cranes (Double Jib Luffing Cranes) currently installed within the port premises. A full technical specification of the cranes is attached to the Tender documents.
  2. Both cranes will be sold conjointly.
  3. The cranes will be sold on an “As is where is” basis.
  4. Minimum proposal for both cranes:1,500,000 Euro.
  5. The prerequisite for participation in this Tender is:
    Submission of an autonomic, unconditional and unreserved bank guarantee in the format attached to the Tender documents, in the amount of 200,000 Euro, issued by an Israeli bank as security for effectuation of proposer's proposal under the Tender, with validity of six months from the last date set for submission of proposals specified in Section 6 below as and if delayed (i.e., valid until December 29, 2010_), all in accordance with the Tender documents.
  6. Proposals should be submitted not later than June 29, 2010 at 14:00 IL Time.
    Proposals should be submitted to the
    Tender Box, at the chamber of the head of Procurement Department, Equipment Department Building, 1st floor, Port of Ashdod ,Israel. 
  7. The Tender documents are available as of  May 4, 2010 at the chamber of the head of Procurement Department, Equipment Department Building, 1st floor, Port of Ashdod ,Israel  following payment of 250 NIS, including VAT, not refundable at APC's accounting department.           
  8. Queries or reservations concerning the Tender may be submitted in writing to fax number: +972-8-8517365 by June 16 , 2010 14:00 IL Time as set forth in the Tender documents.
  9. A party who wishes to view the cranes may inform APC in writing to fax number: +972-8-8517365 or by electronic mail to [email protected] no later than May 27, 2010 14:00 IL time, and a tour of the cranes will be arranged accordingly. APC should be contacted by telephone, at +972-8-8517510, to verify its receipt of the request.
  10. APC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to re-advertise or to cancel the Tender.
  11. APC reserves the right to negotiate with selected proposers.
  12. In this Tender, proposer whose business is being controlled by a woman shall be preferred, in accordance with and subject to Section 2B to the Mandatory Tenders Law, 1992 ("business" and "business controlled by a woman" as defined in the Mandatory Tenders Law, 1992).
  13. In the event of any contradiction between the present notice and the Tender documents, the latter shall prevail.
  14. For further information regarding the purchase of the Tender documents please call Mr. Israel Yosef, head of the Assets and Commerce Department, at +972-8-8517510.