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Tender for the supply of - Fork Lift Trucks for Empty Containers (ECH-FLT) (the "Tender")


Update No' 7

  Further to the announcement made on August 19, 2013 (the "Original Announcement") and the announcements made on September 12, 2013 , October 10, 2013 , October 24, 2013 ,November 4, 2013 , November 19, 2013  and on November 19, 2013  (the "Other Announcements")  ,with respect to the Tender, Ashdod Port Company ("APC") wishes to inform of amendments to the Original Announcement, as follows:

  1. With respect to the condition specified in section 1.2 to the Invitation for Proposals form (“IFP”), regarding the receiving of proposals only from manufacturers of the ECH-FLTs, APC will also receive sealed competitive proposals from authorized representative of such manufacturer, on behalf of the manufacturer (each authorized representative shall be referred to as the "Proposer" and collectively as the "Proposers"), subject to the terms detailed in Announcement no.9, which is published on our website.
  2. Accordingly, APC has extended the Tender procedures, allowing Proposers (manufacturers of the ECH-FLTs or authorized representative of such manufacturer) who has not submitted Proposals to the Tender, to submit a Proposal in accordance with the Tender documents and conditions.
  3. Therefore, the last date set for submission of the Proposals is set to Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 14:00 IL time.
  4. All other provisions included in the Original Announcement remain the same.

Update No. 6

Further to the announcement made on August 19, 2013 (the "Original Announcement") and the announcements made on September 12, 2013 , October 10, 2013 , October 24, 2013 ,November 4, 2013 and on November 19, 2013 (the "Other Announcements") ,with respect to the Tender, Ashdod Port Company ("APC") wishes to inform of amendments to the Original Announcement, as follows:

  1. The last date set for submission of the Proposals, as specified in Section 4 to the Original Announcement and in Section 1 to the Other Announcements, is hereby postponed to Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 14:00 IL time.
  2. All other provisions included in the Original Announcement remain the same.

Update No. 5

Further to the announcement made on August 19, 2013 (the "Original Announcement") and the announcements made on September 12, 2013 , October 10, 2013 , October 24, 2013 and on November 4, 2013 (the "Other Announcements") ,with respect to the Tender, Ashdod Port Company ("APC") wishes to inform of amendments to the Original Announcement, as follows:

  1. The last date set for submission of the Proposals, as specified in Section 4 to the Original Announcement and in Section 1 to the Other Announcements, is hereby postponed to Thursday, November 21, 2013 at 14:00 IL time.
  2. All other provisions included in the Original Announcement remain the same.

Update No. 4

Further to the announcement made on August 19, 2013 (the "Original Announcement") and the announcements made on September 12, 2013 , October 10, 2013 and on October 24, 2013 (the "Other Announcements") ,with respect to the Tender, Ashdod Port Company ("APC") wishes to inform of amendments to the Original Announcement, as follows:

  1. The last date set for submission of the Proposals, as specified in Section 4 to the Original Announcement and in Section 1 to the Other Announcements, is hereby postponed to Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 14:00 IL time.
  2. All other provisions included in the Original Announcement remain the same.

Update No. 3

Further to the announcement made on August 19, 2013 (the "Original Announcement") and the announcements made on September 12, 2013 and on October 10, 2013 (the "Other Announcements")  ,with respect to the Tender, Ashdod Port Company ("APC") wishes to inform of amendments to the Original Announcement, as follows:

  1. The last date set for submission of the Proposals, as specified in Section 4 to the Original Announcement and in Section 1 to the Other Announcements, is hereby postponed to Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 14:00 IL time.
  2. All other provisions included in the Original Announcement remain the same.

Update  No. 2

Further to the announcement made on August 19, 2013 (the "Original Announcement") and the announcement made on September 12, 2013 (the "Second Announcement") ,with respect to the Tender, Ashdod Port Company ("APC") wishes to inform of amendments to the Original Announcement, as follows:

  1. The last date set for submission of the Proposals, as specified in Section 4 to the Original Announcement and in Section 1 to the Second Announcement, is hereby postponed to Monday, October 28, 2013 at 14:00 IL time.
  2. All other provisions included in the Original Announcement remain the same.
  3. The Original Announcement may be viewed at

Update No. 1

Further to the announcement made on August 19, 2013 (the "Original Announcement") with respect to the Tender, Ashdod Port Company ("APC") wishes to inform of amendments to the Original Announcement, as follows:

  1. The last date set for submission of the Proposals, as specified in Section 4 to the Original Announcement, is hereby postponed to Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 14:00 IL time.
  2. All other provisions included in the Original Announcement remain the same.
  3. The Original Announcement may be viewed at



Announcment 9 and Attchment F 
 Attachments 1-8
Form of Addenda to the Proposal 1021-7.2013
Tender for the supply of - Fork Lift Trucks for Empty Containers - 1021-7.2013

  1. Pursuant to the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), the Mandatory Tenders Law, 1992 and the Mandatory Tenders Regulations, Ashdod Port Company Ltd. ("APC“) hereby invites proposals ("Proposals") from manufacturers (the "Proposer(s)") for the supply of:   

    Two (2) Fork Lift Trucks
    for Empty Containers (ECH-FLT) (each, an " ECH-FLT " and collectively, " ECH-FLTs "), plus training, warranty, spare parts and services.  

    APC may recognize Proposals submitted by non-manufacturers, affiliated to the manufacturer of the equipment subject to the provisions included in section 3 herein below.

    APC shall have the option, at its sole discretion, for a period of three (3) years from the date of APC's execution of the agreement with the selected Proposer, to purchase up to additional six (6) ECH-FLTs at the sam
    e terms of the two (2) ECH-FLTs previously purchased.   
  2. Notwithstanding the above, the price of the ECH-FLTs underlying the option purchased by APC as of the second year of the agreement may be increased by up to two (2) percent, per each year, all subject to negotiations conducted with APC. 
  3. Pre-requisites
    Proposers who maintain all conditions as follows will be entitled to participate in this Tender:
    3.1. Manufacture of at least  forty (40) FLTs of at least 7  to 32 ton lifting capacity, per year, during the last three (3) years (2010-2012); and
    3.2. Manufacture of at least  thirty (30) ECH-FLTs for empty containers  ( 20' — 40' with side telescopic spreader) of at least 7 ton lifting capacity and at least 5 containers ( 9'6") stacking height , per year, during the last three (3) years (2010-2012); and
    3.3. Certified according to ISO 9001:2000 or ISO 9001:2008 quality standards or corresponding quality standards approved by APC; and
    3.4. Compliance with all mandatory items specified in Attachment A, Section B;

    Regarding compliance with preconditions of sections 3.1 -3.2, APC may recognize, at the A
    PC Tender Committee's sole discretion, such conditions as fulfilled by Affiliated Companies of the Proposer and/or by companies that have been sold to and/or merged into the Proposer, insofar as this took place before issue of this Tender, as being fulfilled by the Proposer itself. “Affiliated Company” means a company wholly owned by the Proposer, or the Proposer's parent company, or other affiliated companies of the Proposer which are to be approved by APC Tender Committee at it sole discretion and subject to any conditions which the APC Tender Committee shall decide to apply.
  4. Proposals should be submitted not later than Thursday, October 3, 2013 at 14:00 IL Time.
    Proposals should be submitted to the
    Tender Box, at the chamber of the head of Equipment Procurement Department, Equipment Department Building, 1st floor, Port of Ashdod.
  5. APC is not obligated to accept the most inexpensive proposal or any other proposal. APC reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals and to re-advertise or to cancel the invitation for Proposals process.
  6. APC shall be entitled to test and trial the first ECH-FLT delivered to it by the selected Proposer for a period of up to three (3) months.
  7. APC reserves the right to negotiate with selected Proposers.
  8. APC reserves the right to purchase the FLTs from one or more Proposers.
  9. Review of tender documents
    Proposers who wish to participate in the tender will be able to review and receive the tender documents as follows:
    9.1.        View in the web site: ("APC web site")
    9.2.        At the chamber of the head of Procurement Department, Equipment Department Building, 1st floor, Port of Ashdod, Israel, .   
    From Sunday till Thursday, as of Tuesday, 20.08.2013 from 8:30 until 16:00
  10. Each clarification and / or an amendment and / or an update published in respect to the Tender shall be attached as an inseparable part of the Tender documents.           

    It is emphasized that, each proposer is obligated to follow any amendment and / or the clarification and / or an update published by APC with respect to the Tender, at APC web site.

    In addition, proposer who wishes to receive, directly, any amendment and / or clarification and / or an update as aforesaid, shall fill up the attached form (at APC Web site) and send it to Fax +972-(0)8-8590006 or email: [email protected]l